Preparations for life’s gestation for living life on earth, are God’s design from months of nine that paid in pain from labored birth.
Forget yea not ‘bout Moms distraught in sacrifice delivery, nor months of nine where yea blood line shared the time’s despair in focused gift without a care for self or else and loss of fair.
‘Twas blood and bone that made yea home in Mother’s growing belly, and shared her body’s nutrients without subjective hence pretense or caused offense, ‘gainst pleasing of the reason.
As yea grew inside she felt the pride of helping life become alive and worried not ‘bout blood nor bone that’d be the cost to her alone.
As yea seeded proceeded to share her body’s depleted in order to provide you a home, and in sacrifice she’d not think twice ‘bout giving her life in roll of the dice, if cause had left her prone.
Mothers are all too often just forgotten for what they bring into this world, as without such kind of mirrored divine who’d tow the line for months of nine, and give the gift of life in prime, at cost of fears and tears my dear!
Think again ‘bout whose best of friends and has been there from the start to end, and regardless of yea sins to them, a Mother’s love does not pretend.
Her wagon’s towed while on the go has always proved to let you know that love from start cannot depart, as yea both once had shared a heart!
So if a riff in life ignites hot blooded temperament in spite, think twice ‘bout who is who in you and know that Mom was once true blue and put aside that poisoned pride, that only helps to cause divide.
Life’s too short to invite more thoughts that only cause us pain, and darkened heart won’t mend the sins that might have broken heart from start.
But know that wounds can heal, if one can fairly hear appeal, as the freedom from forgiveness comes from way down deep inside us, and results may just surprise us, in discovery of despite us!