

Inside one’s mind there exists confines that labor thoughts that shall define and from such thoughts one thinks a lot ’bout all portrays in doubt’s dismay and fears unclear in challenged ways…

Rid thyself of all self-doubts and squirrels chased on roundabouts ’tis round and round such thoughts confound in twitching face as circus clown…

Foolish minds can’t help refine the bearing load of strength in spine and absence in one’s confidence ’twill play a joke on mind’s pretense and shape a world that sits on fence…

Confidence shan’t sit on fence nor kilter stance to hide in shelter as choices made from mind’s debates should be aware of fear’s charades…

In titter tottered meals of fodder what nourishment can feed good sense in pensive senses actions taken what truth in mirror might be forsaken?

Each soul paid toll at push and pull that grabbed a leg in breach’s role and in that squeeze we start to breathe the air in life that makes us sneeze…

One knows not who talks a lot ’bout unsuspected worth untested, ’tis soul’s main plot that’s on the spot to redefine thy self or not…

Know thyself like no one else and come to see yea soul set free, and from that view gain strength from clues that measures worth and pride from birth…

Not all forestalls thy clumsy falls nor wins the bets at games of chess ’tis scale’s resolve that fools them all ’bout stature’s height and strength in fight…

Step light when right but be aware that others care less ’bout your despair they’ll squirm discerning mind a turning in bold face stare that’s absent care…

Worry not ’bout getting caught for silent mimes that others sought rely on eyes to see disguised that smells of stench attracting flies…

Stand tall when called to be thy best and worry not of other’s quest ’tis confidence in competence that screams aloud of things of proud and broadcasts story’s glory loud!

Michael Chaffee

The Message Behind the Stanzas

(1) Inside one’s mind there exists confines that labor thoughts that shall define and from such thoughts one thinks a lot ’bout all portrays in doubt’s dismay and fears unclear in challenged ways…

ELABORATION: Inside our minds there is a domain in which one seeks either solace or discord, as well as many competing variables for alternatives outcomes.


Our minds are made up of neurotransmitters, which are substances that use neurons to communicate with one another by binding to receptor proteins in the cellular membrane of the target tissue in the process of synaptic transmission (neuron-transmission).

Each of us has a earthly character that is embedded in the DNA of our cerebral cortex. Neurotransmitters are synthesized and released from nerve endings into the synaptic cleft. From there, neurotransmitters bind to receptor proteins in the cellular membrane of the target tissue and the targeted tissues gets excited, inhibited, or functionally modified in some other way.

It is in the confines of the mind that our thoughts labor to define us! Our internal thinking is attempting to define and authenticate our more obscure soulful character.

It is in this earthy realm of having a “free choice” that the mind acts out the laborious contemplations, which comes down to the ultimate challenge for making our finalized decisions about who we want to become represented.


It is at this synaptic intersection that the decisions are made to stop, turn right, turn left, make a U-Turn or run the red light. And it is from our resulting actions that we shall represent us in a progressive or regressive manner i.e.; Bravery, fear, etc..By doing so our free choices are ultimately left up to us to authenticate our impersonate our soulful character’s representative.

(2) Rid thyself of all self-doubts and squirrels chased on roundabouts ’tis round and round such thoughts confound in twitching face as circus clown…

ELABORATION: By deciding to cast off negative thinking about any self-doubts and caging the reckless squirrels that maybe running around (metaphorically speaking) inside the confines of one’s mind, we can simultaneously take control of the micro-expressions (brief displays of emotion on the face), hand gestures, and posture that all register in the human brain almost immediately—even when a person is not consciously aware they have perceived anything.

The reactions that come from the outside world will often start with the interpretations for what may be going on in the inside world of our individual minds. The often unbeknownst external reactions twitching face as circus clown that subliminally manifest and then inadvertently become broadcasted in our body language can strongly color how your individuality is perceived.

One must realize that confidence is the salesmanship for ones competence and when and if one is successful at selling their competence then it can instill a charismatic attraction. On the other hand, if one is unauthentic in attempting to sell the idea of a soulful personality that isn’t authentic then it can be repulsive and come under suspicion.

Others’ interpret our motivation, mood, and openness from the projection of our confidence, which convincingly or otherwise acts very much like a mirror for what we believe about ourselves.

This self recognizing element of our earthly character begins at infancy, as the shock of birth leaves us with amnesia to our truer soulful characters.

A newborn moves its body to the rhythm of the voice he or she hears and in the pursuits of greater awareness, we choose to remember or forget who we came into the world to represent. If we forget then, we must relearn in experiencing the rewards afforded from loving intentions or the consequences from the errors in our ways.

(3) Foolish minds can’t help refine the bearing load of strength in spine and absence in one’s confidence ’twill play a joke on mind’s pretense and shape a world that sits on fence…

ELABORATION: One of my personal quotes goes like this; “If not for the struggle then what worth can be measured from any gains? The meaning here is for us to come to terms with the fact that life is intended to provide us with experiences, both good and bad. Keeping in mind that we shall not acquire a yardstick for measurement, if not afforded bad in which good can be measured.

If denied uncertainty for the outcomes in living our lives then a mind can reside in the neither world of complacency and imaginatively play a joke on mind’s pretense allowing one to pretend to live in, a world that sits on fence.

Doing so denies one the enrichment that can come from applying our intellect and risking the sampling of experiences that can invite the blessing of wisdom. Experience provides us with the knowledge of the dos and don’ts for the applications of both good and bad. If we become aware of the worth and value that the acquired knowledge means then, it can be applied to pursuing a more meaningful life with the companionship of gained wisdom!

(4) In titter tottered meals of fodder what nourishment can feed good sense in pensive senses actions taken what truth in mirror might be forsaken?

ELABORATION: The key here is to truly come to know THYSELF and in making just such evaluations one must come to recon with what one is representing as you!

The nourishment of the soul can’t sit on an indecisive titter tottered while feeding our soulful representative an unhealthy spiritual dietary cuisine, correct?

In our inner thoughts, that domain of our deeper thinking pensive senses actions is where our conclusions are reached while contemplating all of our contingencies in making a decision.

Realizing that each of our decisions results in setting an example for who is who standing in front of an imaginary mirror what truth in mirror might be forsaken? and prior to allowing any decision to result in reflecting unfavorably upon one’s soulful character one has a clear choice to do otherwise, when and if that refection might forsaken a truer self representative.

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