Woe my son yea gifted one oh why would God call home your soul before your life could all unfold, and we could come to know yea?
Deprived your life to share my dear ‘twas hope in womb that formed cocoon yet voltage strayed on winter’s day and took your life away…
The stray of circuit ground had found two bodies while they snoozed, and in the dark of night took flight bypassing tripping fuse…
The tingles from a bad ground fault weren’t noticed at the time, as the voltage crawled its way across the electric cover’s spine…
Early in the morning premature began to stir, and the cord of life delivered twice through cervix’s path obscured…
In part the cord delivered leaving Mother in risk of death, as the seal had been broken and would deny our baby’s breath…
In General Mass we prayed for pass to born thee son as second one but intercede from God’s impede called home our baby son…
My prayers would fall on silent hopes when decision of Physician, called for forced delivery due to danger of conditions, and hopes ‘twere lost at such a cost before our chance to hold yea..!
The silence met my sad regrets and eyes did rise to heaven’s cries in asking why God had denied thy second birth’s beget?
I knew not why and paused in sigh in empty room of sadness, I shan’t forget the time I spent in broken hearten madness…
Woe my son yea gifted one oh why would God call home your soul before your life could all unfold, and we could come to know yea?
He giveth life and taketh and we’re here in known fear, as our Lord will say ‘tis time for squeaks from crowing when the Black Birds shall appear…
Black Crows may know it’s time to go when circling skies above, but I was always hoping for a sign of flying Doves…
Fear not my friend as life begins as time that’s been allotted, yet someday we’ll know why Crows do crow in prophecy’s distraughted.
In span of life we shan’t think twice ‘bout duration of discouraged, for all misgivings shall be forgiven, if one puts their faith in Christ!
We’ll come to know why child goes to silent slumbered rest and hear the cause from life that’s paused in empty family’s nest…
‘Tis God’s control of gifted souls as we shan’t own the rights to know, nor pride ourselves to obligates that hold thy keys to heaven’s gate…
The choice is ours to live in bars with drunken mind in stupor, or move along and end prolongs ‘n
stitching thoughts with sutures…
What’s left to fret ‘bout time’s regrets in things we cannot change, for dwells in past can’t change our paths nor help thy pain refrain!
I hope someday to come to know why some will come and some shall go and understand God’s plan for man and meaning from such sorrow…?
Woe my son yea gifted one oh why would God call home your soul before thee life could all unfold and give thy gift for us to know the glory in your story?
stitching thoughts with sutures…