In all the white noise that we’re being subjected to on every form of media what is really being broadcasted into the hearts and minds of the listening audience?
Is there really something factually called “race” or are we all just from different tribes? And truthfully, haven’t these different tribes existed for eons?
Is the United States supposed to represent the most hopeful location for commingling the whole world’s different tribes? If so then who and what has been trying to keep “U.S.” so divided?
Who could possibly benefit from promoting greater division amongst the ancestral differences of all the tribes?
Why is the Black vs White issue so often being disproportionately propagandize? Is it truthfully the most significant social issue needing to be remedied in America today?
Why has the American prospective about slavery exclusively been propagating only information about those Americans that are from African decent?
Click video below to listen to a “Facts About Slavery They Don’t Teach You In School…
The history of slavery predates anything happening in America by several thousand years!
Also, slavery has involved many more people in several other “color classifications” than just those being considered as the “black” classification.
In the modern day convergence of ethnicity and cultures called America, don’t we have many tribes?
Don’t each of these groups individually have their own story to be told about their suffrage, persecution and segregation in some form or another.
To what degree is seclusion the result of only bigoted actions? Can’t one also just choose to be amongst one’s own tribe? Don’t some tribes frown upon inter-tribal relationships?
Are followers of the Christian faith accepted as worthy spousal candidates amongst followers of Judaism and vise-versa? In the same light, what about Muslims?
Are these examples, even in our modern day society considered socially unacceptable? If so, why in some circles are they still considered taboo?
Can a given tribe and or religious heritage be justified in practicing and maintaining self preservation of the tribal community or religion without being identified as discriminatory?
BIGOTED; “obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.”
PREJUDICES:“preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. “prejudice against people from different backgrounds” · “ingrained religious prejudices”
Stories Often Forgotten…
Weren’t the Hebrews (Jewish) in bondage under the rule of Cyrus the Great, in Persia? Also in Egypt until they were lead out into the wilderness by Moses during the Exodus?
How about the medical experiments that were inflect upon those of the Hebrew Tribe during World War II?
And what about the gas chambers that the Nazi regime used to kill millions of Jews, not to mention the untold stories of Joseph Stalin’s crimes of mass genocide against them?
As well, the Irish have a story of their suffrage and persecution in the brutal British inequality that forced their migration to America, or face starvation!
In the 1800’s the British royalty controlled all land ownership in Ireland and would only allow small parcels to be farmed by the Irishmen.
The main crop at that time was the nightshade vegetable called a potato. Due to the tiny parcels of land it was determined to be the only crop robust enough to sustain a family on such a tiny space.
That was until the potato blight in Ireland wiped out this main staple crop during the 1840’s and the population in Ireland was decimated.
In 1840 Ireland’s population was 6.5 million. During this period known as the Great Hunger, about 1 million people died and more than a million fled the country, causing the country’s population to fall by 20%–25%, in some towns falling as much as 67% between 1841 and 1851.
The average continued life span of an Irishman who was fortunate or unfortunate enough to land on the docks of America’s east coast, lived on for only six more years!
The Slave Owners who provided the work force on the docks in the south in the 1840’s would pull back the valued asset in their Slaves. They’d let the newly arriving Irishmen do the heavy lifting because those immigrants had no value.
Many would succumb to warmer climate diseases like schistosomiasis, Chagas, Dengue, Yellow Fever, Malaria and the undiagnosed ramifications of living in filth and squalor.
Keeping in mind that Medicare and or State / Federal Assistance wasn’t around in those early days of the American story…hum?
In major cities like New York and Boston the stigmatized reputation of a heavy drinking routy Irishmen lead to signage being posted that said; “Irish Need Not Apply”…hum?
Some immigrants like the Chinese were forced to live underground during the nighttime hours and only came out during the day, in order to labor on the construction of the railroad.
The Chinese laborers were the work force for building the railway system 1/3rd of the way across the U.S., while the other 2/3rd portion was predominately built on the blood, sweat and tears of the Irish.
“The Chinese Exclusion Act was a United States federal law signed by President Chester A. Arthur on May 6, 1882, prohibiting all immigration of Chinese laborers. Building on the earlier Page Act of 1875 which banned Chinese women from migrating to the United States, the Chinese Exclusion Act was the first, and remains the only, law to have been implemented to prevent all members of a specific ethnic group.”
“In the United States during World War II, about 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry, most of whom lived on the Pacific Coast, were forcibly relocated and incarcerated in concentration camps in the western interior of the country. Approximately two-thirds of the internees were United States citizens. These actions were ordered by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.”
American citizens merely because they were identified as being from Japanese descent lost irreplaceable personal property due to the restrictions on what could be taken into the camps.
These losses were compounded by theft and destruction of items placed in governmental storage.
Realize that the Black community as a racial category is being misrepresented and promoted as a harmonious all inclusive community, as the real story is that such a community does not truthfully exist, even in today’s America!
The community being labeled as “Black” has a great deal more diversity than just being referred to as Black or African American.
One only needs to look at the origins of the African migration across the globe in order to discover this truth in the matter!
Over many centuries the mother of African heritage has spread her wings over virtually every continent. As well, the legacy of this ancestral migration now has representatives amongst virtually every community on the planet.
According to leading anthropologist the seeds of human life can be traced back to North or East Africa. Anthropologists support the idea that anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) evolved in this area of the planet.
These experts lay claims, that the modern version of being human is therefore anchored to the African continent. As well, African heritage is part of many different cultures and nationalities today across the earth, not just America.
Therefore, being simply called Black or associated with the skin color called Black appears to purposefully be a matter of convenience for the promoters of the idea of “racism” but who is who in such a promotion?
One should realize that when a categorizing terminology is assigned to something in order to isolate a complex subject into the simplest terms well, it should arouse suspicions as to what kind of agenda is attempting to being fulfilled?
Being identified as being Black or White doesn’t mean that a common tribal mindset exist amongst all of those with the same color skin. It only allows skin color to be used to redefine one’s identity on the basis of just a single identifiable physical trait, correct?
Thus, a couple of questions that should come to mind are;
- a.) How do all “Black” or “White” people somehow just get conveniently lump together?…and
- b.) For who’s convenience do such a categories serve?
Truthfully, the same goes for all color coded people. The fair skinned or as they are often called; “White People” on the globe are also anchored upon many different continents, cultures and nationalities, correct?
Priming Liberal or Conservative thinking…
Human beings are distinct from other lifeforms on earth. We create internal archives of cultural memories. The purpose of which is to develop resource libraries that we can quickly rely upon. Our deep memories are like folds in our minds that act as an A to Z categorical filing cabinet.
The Media’s propagation of information is like seeding, watered and fertilizing a crop in order to help it flourish. Thus, in order for externally generated ideas that can reach their zenith within our internal libraries they need to be the ideas that are most familuar to our deep state of mind.
Familiarity in our “train of thought” or deep state of mind therefore needs to be on a track (so to speak), correct!
Metaphorically speaking, the Media has hijacked the train and has reconstructed the track. Their constant and relentless “priming” is like a rerouting of our mindfulness. There is no such thing as “News” any longer. What we have is a social engineering tool known as “priming”.
They accomplish the planting of familiarity by playing a melody with a stanza of preprogrammed repetitive lyrics (so to speak). In doing so, it is that song and those lyrics that become our default for making a final analysis.
The convictions for the assessment of all of the contingencies reconstruct everything from how we see our cultural heritage, to how we even associate our cultural context as well.
The song or melody that keeps playing in our head is orchestrated on multiple streams of the Media. The purpose in this harmonization is so that we’ll just keep dancing to the same old song and dance routine.
The archived libraries of our “Deep Memories” are the resource that we use to to make our nano-second determinations for our final analysis. This split-second decision making is a reliance upon what we’ve come to believe is our experience. But, it isn’t truthfully our own experience in many cases now is it?
It’s more than likely just a song that’s most familuar because it is being played over and over again and again!
The familiarity with such a melody and lyrics is therefore burned into our “Deep Memories” and in our decision making process this path of logic becomes our instantaneous default.
This is where logic is baited and switched with emotions and the way-point in such headings loses a view for what lays in wait over the next horizon.
A meaning for our cultural context can’t come from people that are unknown but, when unknown people start signing the lyrics to a most familuar tune well then, you can have “White” people signing songs that matter to black lives, correct?
As a matter of fact, you could convincingly propagate almost any idea by using such techniques. Furthermore you could also use just such a tool to convey information to subsequent generations, as well.
• Artificial Intelligence…
Our deep memory is a system that links our mindfulness to meta-commentary, as an archived resource. This commentary extrapolates on the social conditions of our times.
We identify with this information as if such events were our very own experiences. Because these events become written down as the folds of our memories they become a source of reference for creating our very own brain maps.
This is how we identify and associate with a single path of logic or the many avenues afforded us in taking directions from our emotions. It really just comes down to what stimulation that each of us has chosen to archive in our library.
So truthfully speaking there really isn’t any such thing as one Black or White all encompassing consensus of understanding only a mindful programing that has been seeded to take root and flourish.
• Three Types of AI…
Even biblically, the sons of Noah spread globally to the far reaching continents of Asia, Africa and Europe. This appears to be supported in some fashion by the finding of today’s Anthropologists.
The bible says that Ham was the son who ventured to Africa. Thus, in that biblical assessment for the origins of the inhabitants of Africa he’d be the forebearer of Africans.
What seems to be known in today’s scientific circles from the study of DNA is that everyone on the planet can be traced back to the same African genetic source. Thus one should realize that the manipulation of the association of skin color orientation is purposefully being deceptive!
What appears to be in play in the “Great American Experiment” is that the powers that be have stumbled upon a frailty in mankind’s psyche. A subliminal tribal identity naturally gravitates toward the commonality in our associations with our physical identities.
Therefore classifications are merely expounding upon what draws people to a tribe naturally in the first place.
In ancient times this was how one tribe would be conscripted to the allegiance to a campaign for a politicized conquest against another.
When warring factions met on a battlefield their tribal class I.D. Cards” would be subconsciously broadcasted to the opposing forces.
This was a mindful implication for what would be recognized in appearance as a strong unity. It would be communicated as a form of intimidation, and as such was part of preparing for an organized unity that could exhibit both a strong discipline in a fighting force and a steadfast loyalty to a common cause.
In those times, the havoc that would ensue on a battlefield needed a clearer representation of it’s per-engagement commitments.
Thus uniforms would come into play reinforcing a fighting force’s appearance in stature and commitment to an adherence to their leader’s focused objectives.
This military strategy is how our modern Military Industrial Complex continues to drive the demand for more weapons via creating more conflicts. As Major General Smedley Butler once said so clearly; War is a Racket.
Well I go so far as to say that; Race is a Racket
As the idea that racism exist is necessary in order to be able to bamboozle whole sectors of the population into divisively believing that the conscription to race is necessary.
Of course the first step in this type of a campaign is to promote the idea that there is a need for a war in the first place, correct…hum?
After all, in order to attract comrades into believing that they are the recipients of special recognition and or “privileged” consideration, they’d need a Antagonist and a Protagonist for the telling of such tall tales, correct?
By criminalizing all “White” people for inheriting some sort of privilege that is based upon the grouping of being considered “White” is a strategy that is clearly promoting inequality, plain and simple!
By putting forth a propagandized campaign that continues to divide the so called races these efforts clearly play into a racist predicated socially engineered agenda.
The bottom line in such a socially engineered strategy of division, is clearly capitalizing on our very own predispositions for the self imposed tribal lines of separation.
We’ve all inherited a DNA composition in the blood that runs through our veins. Like it or not, the physical manifestations of the tribal origins of our ancestors are written all over our faces.
Therefore, it is in our nature and whether white, black, yellow, red or brown there are other genetic signatures of identity that influence our paths of logic as well!
“Scientists have identified genetic links between a set of psychological factors known as ‘the big five’ personality traits – extroversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience – and say they could also influence risk factors for certain psychiatric disorders.”
We should be able to clearly recognize that employing a strategy that dissects, categorizes and divides the masses is really just the deception of a sheep in wolf’s clothing!
And in recognizing this socially engineered effort one should also realize that such efforts are truly born out of a bigoted perspective. By definition this is glaringly obvious but, somehow it escapes recognition by the masses as such.
It screams hypocrisy plain and simple but, by putting on the blinders and moving the promoted and popularized emotionally driven “race card” to the front of the line, “race” becomes the #1 social issue of discussion in American politics!
If our focus is distracted with primordial emotions well then, we probably won’t see how our heading runs off the “path of logic” and into the ditch!
Furthermore, we will more easily be drawn into conflicts with an imaginary foe by the covert manipulation of those we deem as being worthy of providing political leadership.
The key and operative word in play here is “politics” and truthfully, it’s all about politics! A political party that recruits such mindsets that are based upon an alignment of skin color orientation isn’t serving all Americans. Plain and simple, they are dividing us up like a populous pie!
When any such political affiliations attempt to recruit on the basis of segregation well, it isn’t about equality, it’s about enforcing a color coded classification upon the whole of our society that’s focused upon greater division.
It’s no different when targeting other tribal affiliations. Showing partiality toward a certain sector of constituents will be like robbing from Peter to pay Paul.
Any political party that is promoting such views is using the “race card” as a crowbar for more division, not greater unity. Equally so…what appears to be a tactfully promoting these “lies” runs in sharp contrast to anything that could be called equality…hum?
Dividing our populous up into selfishly motivated self-identifying sectors like woman, religion, sexual orientation, skin color and on and on, doesn’t unite us! Such strategies only play on the emotions of those who will only see themselves as a member of the Divided States, not the United States.
This isn’t the kind of society that we should all be working toward because such divisiveness isn’t insuring equality at all! What it is doing is providing us with more examples of inequality.
All this of course becoming obscure under the auspices that social injustice has somehow placed people of color or women or some other sector of society at an overall disadvantage.
Therefore by providing a helping hand-out (not a hand up), it can attract those who have such a mindset and simultaneously appear to be leveling the playing field.
Truthfully it’s really just creating further divisions amongst the color and other divisive classifications and this is the objective by those who hold the keys to the economic engine!
Some may attempt to justify this special treatment perspective in feeling that they have been at the back of the line for way too long.
Unfortunately, that reasoning doesn’t take into account how and why such positioning may have very well been part of the “cause and effects” on them.
It’s now purely a manipulation of an emotionally charged “hot button” issue that’s been forecasted to distract and influence a “common cause”.
This becomes deceptively promoted as a “just cause” and that becomes a rallying cry for those who have been “primed” with a like mindedness that they are at disadvantage.
Let me be quite clear, if you were born in America you are quite literally one of the luckiest people to populate the planet! No matter what you might be primed into imagining by the unrelenting Media, we are all very, very blessed!
Whatever excuse you may want to use about your disabilities, unless you’re deft and dumb you don’t deserve a pass.
As a matter of fact, not even then do you get a free pass for not measuring up to your very own fullest potential, why? Well, because Helen Keller raised the bar on that excuse also!
We all should be able to now see the consequences of our leadership’s purposeful social dividing antics. And this is because the results aren’t promoting greater unity but fostering further division.
Anyone with a thimble full of wits can identify with how accommodating a favored partiality will only alienate those not equally favored, correct?
Just look at the recent examples of how professional sports fan’s participation resulted in a major decline. This was obviously a response to an unpopular protest about the hypocrisy in claims of inequality and what appeared to be unpatriotic and bigoted behaviors.
I use professional sports as an example of the blindness to the reverse inequality that’s so prevalent, yet no one would be bold or foolish enough to tag this as “Black Privilege”, right?
Those being classified as “African American” or Black players (According to racial equality activist Richard Lipchick) constituted 74.2 of the NBA in 2020.
Now look at the distribution of NFL positions by race. Black vs White players on the Offensive Line are about 50/50, although our American populous looks like this; White = 63.7%, Black = 12.2%.
If you can catch a glimpse of how easily those in charge of the promotional previews (The Media) are able to distract and manipulate emotions well then, you might be encouraged to read on. Hopefully doing so may open your mind up to what other “ways and means” are employed by our politicians!
True, even in America there are many cultural differences that need to be improved upon. But, does anyone truthfully believe that rioting and looting businesses, in struggling communities are some how going to miraculously make things improve?
And of course the physical attributes involving skin colors have continually been promoted as a racial divide in the midst of it all.
Now review the recent rioting and looting video clips from many cities across the country and see how many White faces you see…hum?
What I saw was an organized effort that was purposefully involved in defaming and criminalizing, predominately the inhabitants of communities that had a specific classification.
This color coding effort by the media used the under class sectors of our cities as rallying points to fuel their manipulative narratives.
In some cases, looters and supposed protesters were imported from other cities, counties and states.
Whether or not these communities were truthfully and largely of color or not, the bias media promoted that subliminal message that they were by choosing to edit incriminating videos that disproportionately showed rioting representatives being largely persons of “color”!
It is now clear (to those who don’t need glasses) that many “white faces” congregated in groups at locations where bricks and other damage inflicting rioting supplies were staged.
I’m not suggesting that some from the community of “color” didn’t participate but, these events had fingerprints all over it as a staged covert operation.
Good journalism would and should have been all over this, right?
Unless there was a behind the scenes effort to collaborate in the continued effort of defaming people of “color” and further dividing the races…hum?
But, does the recognition of this physical appearance run deeper than just skin deep in the minds of too many?
It is widely know that even on all seven continents there are some indigenous people who are considered to be darker complected than the general local population.
In all instances the darker skinned inhabitants are (for whatever reason) considered to be of a lower class of people.
Possible one explanation for this is that darker skin can result from spending long hours working in the sun while performing manual labor.
Additionally, job skills associated with doing manual labor are generally viewed as less skilled or requiring less intellectual capacity.
Weather it’s the Aborigines in Australia, Color-ism in the Philippines or even India, people who are darker skinned are looked tribally down upon.
In most cases it’s because the darker skin is automatically associated with the harsh outdoor sun exposure environment of the manual labor working class.
While I was working in Saudi Arabia (where daytime temperatures could raise well above 120 degrees in the summer time), I’d see imported labors from all over the third-world wearing long sleeved shirts and ski masks.
So one day I asked a Filipino labor; “why in these scorching temperatures was he dressed for winter”?
He explained that, he could make and save all his money over his tour but, when returning to the Philippines if his skin was darkened by the sun exposure he would loose the respect of his countrymen…hum?
Additionally, he’d also loose out on attracting most prospects for finding a wife!
The physical effects from the sun would become a cultural class I.D. Card.
This clearly would be identified as bigotry by definition in the U.S. but, in these distant lands, it’s an accepted everyday way of a culturally indifferent life.
The stigma of a darker completion is widely recognized as an acceptable practice for separating the differences for a social order.
This same subjective scrutiny was in play while I was working in Egypt.
This is where I would also have it explained to me about the Upper and Lower Egyptian’s cultural classifications all having to do with one’s color!
So…the point here is; how does darker skin somehow subliminally give way to the justifications for bigotry?
Is it possible that bigotry is an imported product, not something that’s been domestically produced in America?
Does it become clearer from these examples that there is something planted deep down in our DNA identities that stimulates the desire to be separated?
Biblically speaking, was there something a little more to the story about the Tower of Babble?
And from such a mindset do the attitudes toward who is worthy of greater opportunities for inclusion become narrower?
On the other hand, if the majority of society has evolved and become a structured framework shouldn’t those standards be universally applied?
Unfortunately, the majority generally decides who is in control over the advancements of our education and vocational status.
And in such a system of status rankings, it allows one to be recognized as worthy of advancement in our modern society and one to be well, less recognized.
Does this possibly say something about what may be lingering in the silent acquiescence of the discerning subjective scrutiny among the populous?
If so…would such educational bigotry also be implying that some sort of narrow spectrum of intellectual capacity is justification for an academically ranked social divide?
Doesn’t each hereditary class of Hindu society in India basically categorizing segments of society as being distinguished by relative degrees of ritual purity or pollution and of social status.
And don’t disagreements between these different classes lead in some cases to violent clashes and bloodshed?
Now just imagine if you were in charge of the world’s media, oil production, seed production, shipping, and overall economic ebb and flow of the have and the have not?
The “powers to be” who promote better ways of killing and promote more reasons for going to war are in the business of greater division, why?
It’s simple, that’s how they remain in power and in control.
It’s not who you’re voting for…they are merely pawns who are willing to make the moves necessary on the board in order to keep the game in play!
The Kings and Queens are never seen, as the Bishops living in the Castles are only responsible for delegating day to day orders!
When you are able to control the information being fed into the minds of a naturally evolved tribal order’s influence like bigotry well, it’s fairly easy to antagonize and divide the classes further even to heighten levels of discord.
Do you believe that the ignition source for the flames of insurrection just somehow erupted out of thin air?
Or that those on the right or the left have just somehow spontaneously exploded and became mortal enemies?
Isn’t it transparently clear that the fumes of contention have been continually fanned into the “aire” in between our very own two ears for eons by those in power?
Is it really just as simple as “priming” the next generation with what you’d like them to believe in and walla, they just miraculously start believing it…hum?
Do the powers to be only need to redirect our fallible and very anticipatable human nature…hum?
Has the media found the perfect formula for combustible confusion in our explosive tribal nature?
In arriving at this distinction between what is our good nature and bad who and what is influencing and promoting one verses the other?
Who’s been the arson in continuing to light the fires?
Who’s been one pouring gasoline on what’s already burning?
Who’s been the one throwing a match on the high explosives in order to make sure that ignition is inevitable?
One simple answer screams loud and clear…the New World Order’s Media!
Click video below to listen to a “Monopoly…Who Owns The World!