Oh my, my…we’re breathing a sigh ’bout the enigma’s stigma that’s attached to all the lies, yet absent clear view of foray of abuse New World’s ordered disorder shall hide in obtuse!
The angle that’s dangled from all the entangles ’tis lost amongst shadows in the smoke released salvos, and bait and switch in verb’s pretext lead route’s escape to more debates.
Assassin’s bullets obscuring zealots who’d aided results that missed, shan’t hesitate whiled laid in wait for next berates to spin the News with more fake clues ’bout narrative’s new twist!
There are those who know the names of who’s been playing all their games, in cloaked charades of misbehaves they’re just protecting their own rears, ‘cus of fears for lost careers.
And fully vested pensions mentioned and rank ‘n file’s positions sanctioned by a leadership gone rouge, who’s on the road of things untold from actions of redactions!
Who befriended Deep State’s agenda by ignoring duties in acts of follies, and who’s abstained from taking blame for missing clue on roof top’s frame?
Did birds eye lane ‘which showed each frame sit right in brain or appear insane in senseless claims that shards of glass reflected path which were the course of bloody source that barely saved his ass?
For logic’s route is all about the left side of the brain, yet origin’s commotion from all of the emotions ignite the flight or fright response that taunt right side’s devotions.
‘Tis the graze ‘n brazen storied flurries that’s flashed upon the screens in hurry, yet in viewing scene of rally’s sallied ’tis blunder’s wonder that aids discovery for who is who inside of you?
It matters of not, which channel sought in receiving deceiving from all the displeasing, ‘cus so many just side with the scripted divide no matter which horse they’ve decided to ride.
They’ll cast more lots from more facades in broadcast’s fakes for causes, then call to order enquirers furthers in name of News unworthy, ‘twitch never ends the worries in the Court of Public jury.
In decisive steps one takes, one may never hear opposing take’s debate ’bout fakes, yet if one’s mind can abstain partakes one may discover why mind aligns with prime’s refined in spewing fakes from poisoned heart that helps to blow one’s mind apart.
Life ’tis given to us to offer a chance to earn God’s trust, or live examples of discerns gone bust in making choice ’bout word’s mistrust without a fuss ’bout such unjust.
What lingers in one’s mind’s concerning that gives a sample of life returning, in eye for eye and tooth for tooth what story’s’ told ’bout one’s owned truth?
Are steps begets aligned with threats providing trace of silhouette and do outlines describe thy mind of who is who that’s living life inside of you?
When story ’tis told of glory’s bold who’ll shall stand alone as man, and own thy words from such perturbed, which God may see as just absurd?
What couth can be that God shall see in letting hate and fakes be freed, does portrait framed from such insane provide a single view of proud or run and hide behind the clouds then joins in screams ’bout mind of crowd?
If truth be known ’bout stones a throwing what shall come from gift of throne, did Jesus touch thee ears and tongue, t’which deaf mute had suffered from?
And in raising eyes up to the sky he spoke; “ephphatha” to holy Father, and deaf and dumb succumbed from one when God’s own son had healed man from spit into his hand.
Forget yea not ’bout inherits lot, when Job’s exposed self righteous knows, got challenged by the one who goes, both to and fro while walking earth and kicking dirt on face of those who think they know ’bout all such woes.
As we fail to ask the why’s, ’bout all the many knots that’s tied from priming Bots in masked disguise, as AI knows where mind shall go and plots thy course for to and fro.
Step back from jacked of mindful tracks and come to realize attacks, weren’t as simple as talking smack but more like placing knife in back!
A breach at fringe on roof top perch allowed crosshairs despair’s affair, took aim’s insane without refrain, and took the shots without a thought of mindful care in being there.
What person who makes claims of good could be the fool that’s understood, in sneaking peak from roof as Crook, takes aim’s insane at those on Train and maims and kills for thrill’s from ills in knotted brain’s insane?
In twisted knots of brainwashed bots some will think of hate a lot ‘cus mind’s corrupt in deaf and dumb, becomes possessed for Satan’s fun.
Do worded verbs from your perturbs script story told of one who’s bold, will soul’s portray pave path’s fairway to hole in one in kingdom come?
Ask why yea’s eyes see such despised in man who fights for all our rights, as weight of world from Globalist promote more News of knots and twists.
First beseeched attempt’s impeached and then begins law-fare’s out reach, then courts decide that they’ll abide by rule of law instead of flaws and choose to let the law just pause?
‘Cus flaws with claws that cause divide shall come to roost behind one’s eyes, yet fail to see the root’s disease in verdicts claimed that makes some pleased.
There are designs they’ve so refined that chart yea’s course of poisoned mind, from teaspoon fed of too much said, one will only fill thy head with more and more of woeful dread.
Realize their in disguise when planting seeds of priming’s lies, ’tis New World Order of more disorder that undermines thy homeland’s spine.
And in such view without a clue some frame the ones they’ve named as blamed, and welcome stride in goose stepped pride to marching orders that coincides.
Techno’s advance just provides more chance to embed deceives of more unpleased, and main stream fodder on teeter totter shall anchor weight on soul’s dismay that’s somehow blindly lost its way.
From arrows slung what shall become of those succumbed to beats of drums and can it be that demonic trance allows one’s mind to just advance in learning steps to Devils dance?
Think about the ones who tout and run about one’s mouth with shouts, ’bout rights to taking a life from womb that’s gifted home of God’s cocoon.
Who’s taken advantage of disadvantage and shaken soul that’s yet to be, and called such choice the only voice that’s allowed to speak ’bout being freed?
Do woman given the gift of delivering new life upon the earth, also forgiven a pass for killing of new life of child at birth?
Ask just how such things of proud could offer up clear view of you and in such sample of soul’s net worth what weight is scaled from death at birth?
In all the life denied in spite what fathoms thoughts of such not rights, and why have yea just failed to see that New World Order, ’tis behind the glee.
Ask of why the CIA hides in news of everyday and needs the aid of NGO’s to redirect where world should go, while fanning flames from down below!
Does the Media need to read, the scripted words that just concedes, and who’s behind the eyes of bold in long foretold for meeting goals?
‘Tis Satan’s crew in two by two just making war for more deplores and in cloaked disguise of guys of wise who hides behind their blood in eyes?
In deaf gone mute one can’t refute the claimed reputes of soul’s disputes, as deep down inside one’s soulful pride has feelings that can’t run nor hide.
Most know what’s good or bad, and leads to happy or leaves them sad, but switch and bait from all the fakes shall redirect thy fait of soul in all that yea shall come to woe!
It should be clear my dear, that all should fear thy evil’s sphere, that’s put in play most everyday, with no regard for human life they’ll take you out and not think twice.
From face swapping commie chameleons, to the death and destruction of uncounted millions, what truth is known, ’bout those who have shown to where they’ll be going, at end of trail’s descent.
Thus one has a chance to recant such a stance toward mammon’s deceit causing man his defeat in shuffling thy feet in ignorance sweet and repeats of thy tweets ‘cus vengeance ’tis engine in driving decisions for reign of insane just adding more pain.
The thirst ’tis to reduce the billions on earth, which escapes recognition in a war of attrition, and the resulting obscene goes too often unseen as the objective’s directives are geared toward perspectives that results in more deaths and the grooming of humans to become less respected.
Then one’s mind that was primed with all the sublime of deceiving misleading and strangeness of crimes, just accepts the immoral in all of in the world for meeting objectives for New Order’s perspectives for sub-servant’s observance in more fear of such queer.
We all play a key role in ignoring deploring obligations mistaken by choosing acceptance of things about faking, which allows deaf and dumb to close eyes and succumb while failing to hear the silenced to ears, yet ’tis screaming in meanings so clear!
In sampling of thoughts from poisoning of Bots why shan’t yea senses put up some defenses to corruption of mind and thy fractures to spine, which only refines more hating from faking and priming that rhymes.
From commanders like Bill and Klaus, that both run about in touting their clout, they’ll control investment directions and provide their protection from strength of deceptions in rigging results in all future elections!
With hands in all sectors and deception from all vectors man’s greed for more wealth provides cloak to their stealth, which hides in all else while feeding the spelt to our daughters as fodder in era’s postmodern.
And from codependency interest and self-serving spendthrifts, whose need is to feed on the abundance from greed the carrots are dangled that cause more entangled while stopping the Sheriffs from enforcing the tariffs and capturing the bandits that infest food with maggots.
The leaning of unpleased that’s caused more to just sneeze from injected vaccines ’twas just fear of disease, not cure for reprieve, yet few will have asked as to what is on track for humans they’re grooming in future’s attacks?
What causes one sneezing in allergic response is unhealthy conditions that creates a reaction to electronic contractions from nano like Launce that just entangles and strangles with mindful of taunts.
‘Tis forces unseen that work behind scenes to corrupt all our thinking with lies while their winking, what fools are we all who just fail to forestall New World’s Order of rage and disorder’s engaged?
Step back from thy self-induced panic attacks and realize that the train has come off of its tracks, in meeting objectives of conquers divide it becomes most important to recruit who abides.
With borders wide open to unvetted regrets, who is in charge of non-action’s bizarre that’s so rapidly changing the face who we are?
New world orders plans for divided includes uninvited that’s invading our borders and bringing disorder, as strong states of united shan’t let uninvited dilute and pollute the votes for one sided.
They began with dividing our country united and from there they promoted despair on the air, selling us falsehoods ’bout all of the would could, we got suckered by colors and gender reveals ‘n all of the things that were truly unreal.
They’ve simmered our minds in a bath so refined that you’ll miss the conjectures from thy soaking in brine!
Attached to promotions of unwavering devotions and ideas atrocious of things that we’d should have left to the words of unspoken, not promoted while viewing the news that’s some kind of joking.
New world order gives ordered disorders from controlling consensus and toying with senses, then influencing power from tall ivory towers publishes dictates behind the protection of strong iron gates.
Thus finding what’s common where issues reside and feeding what’s hungry with falsehoods of pride, shall offer us breadcrumbs on path of planned routing, which follows directions for objectives from touting.
The WFA have developed consensus for most every word that can attack one’s good senses, whether it’s race or the gender’s pretenders or abortion defenders the hell bent promotions that cradle commotion shall render thy embers to smoldering embers and dust to dust reduced to just cinders.
Blind eyes and deaf ears can’t see one’s way clear for what’s over the horizon that’ll be so surprising
from all of the bribing and defrauder’s applauding ‘n corruption of system that employs such ambitions.
There are powers that be that don’t want you to see nor continue a life that can even be free, as they are all ’bout causing further divide among all of the nations that spans world-wide.
Ask what meets perspective’s objectives for ballot’s detection that ignores the rejections and counting such voting that ghouls are promoting while losing our nation ‘cus yea minds on vacation.
‘Tis all of these questions ’bout abscessed infection that is plaguing the mind’s defaults, by those who’re behind the killings of kind that’s been crossing the line, not considerate of thy morals insults!
Some can remember a time oh so tender when American life was so wholesome and nice, yet now we must see the dark souls all let free and the killings in willing and overflow spilling of the blood of all that’s not right!
Thus ask what has happen in this world of new trappings and varieties of strapping that just keeps on a slapping yea face in rat race in accelerates pace to what ends from pretends of just more and more sins and escapes in the fog from AI’s prolog’s, erasing disgracing and constant boom-basting for the otherwise choice in good sense?
The answers to the question ’tis found in confession ’bout ‘the rhyming from training in priming’s diverting, and issues that’s skirting thee mindful that’s worthy in complaining ’bout journey directed on path at horizon, which shall fail to be minding of concerning.
Ask who commits all these crimes of the times while doing no time and sipping their wine, and from those soul’s loved despair in the lust of not fair just who is in charge of poisoning the air.
Fix hand upon switch, and give it a twist or click, escaping from tricks that infest us with ticks of depression, recessions and many obsessions ’bout all of the shouts yea know nothing about, yet seem to firmly be willing to boast ’bout all the mindless touts in scream’s aloud!
With TV turned off and silenced applause think deep as to why yea can’t see the disguise from the men of the wise who’ll kill any guy who causes them breathing a sigh, ‘cus the lust of empowered and soul that’s devoured can only apply a focus to rise!
The struggles we see that can’t let us be free, are not ’bout the right or the left that’s in thee, but ’tis what’s left unsaid in the schemes of obscene and the loss of our dreams from thy souls of unclean, and then the switching of places that’s meant to disgrace us by putting more dirt all over our faces!
Donkeys and Elephants shall sell us on all the irrelevant elements, and deliver words of eloquence in self professed intelligence, yet Rhinos while sipping Merlot just turn the tables ever so slow, and vote with Jacks of Asses in allowing new laws to handouts free passes.
Round and round and round they go, and where they’ll stop we’ll never know, but what’s for sale ’bout cure’s allure ’tis expose’ of brand new days from New World Order’s designed disorder for failing borders ‘n mail-in voters and politicians just full of sin.
Our world we love and live will fray then fade to dark and pass away, the choice is ours to stay the fools who watch the news distorted ruse ’bout things abused and lies confused from promotions of subjective clues, or close the door to view of whores and more and more of prime’s deplores that adds just more to final score in aiding abduction of the girl next-door!
Thy innocence ’tis gone my friend and mostly ‘cus of all the sins, yea turned blind eye to masked disguised and failed to ask of reasons why, though not too late to close that gate if, “We the People”don’t hesitate.
‘Tis time to call the house to order and close the holes in open border, and tell our leaders thou shan’t debate, ’bout lies deceit’s from doe faced fakes, ‘cus dissolute can’t constitute half truth’s refutes nor give escape to cinch of noose.
One world government ’tis what’s at stake in all the promotions behind the fakes, we’re told of liberty’s so beautiful ’tis truthfully indisputable, yet truth be known from all that crowing the prized disguised ’tis made up lies attracting flies!
Mask in place to cover face and space in line so well defined, injections of a cure not sure that’s now untold in things obscured, ask yea self ’bout what from else could order one to stay indoors and demand each man just accept such plans for unapproved injection’s ruse?
How does one just rid themself of just two cents of common sense, yet we just saw the flaws in laws take on new claws with great applause, enforced by those cohorts of course without a ballot’s vote, yet these got passed by elitist class as silenced majority just bent to conformity and took the shot to ass.
Who is who should provide yea clues as to what’s behind the nightly news, its words and verbs of more perturbs by covert’s overt of in your face that’s done so boldly in switch ‘n place with lies disguised as truth applied, yet truth be known the subjective objectives should be rejected by all with open mind.
Thus the choice is our to sit in bars and escape the face for who we are or take a stance in God’s romance in plans for man instead of falling prey to unrelenting scams, and see through fog that comes from crews on daily news that’s telling lies ’bout new strain flu.
Reject directs that cause train wreaks and raise thy head above what’s said, step back from tracks and watch attacks from all who just placed knife in back, come to see in land of free that there are mines that’s place in minds that cause explosive youth’s precocious who’s primed to lean toward more obscene.
Approach the line of well define and come to know the strength in spine, come to recognize the guy who often walks the girth of earth, as he goes both to and fro from down below, to diminish girth in worth of everyone yea know!
From prince of world that’s down below recognize his deep despise for life behind your loving eyes, as being human just leaves him fuming as he continues to keep abusing.
He’s not alone on seat of throne in gains assisted from good’s resistance, in Book of Enoch ’tis told ’bout epoch in times of days gone by, when magic Harut and Marut’s divisive plans played magic scams in smoke and mirrors for things unclear that we should come to fear, my dear.
Most know of biblical prophecy that foretells of world that shall come to be, with earthquake’s shakes and world no more resulting from our God’s deplore.
Yet some shan’t wish to place their bets on faith in God without regrets, thus choose ignores from sleeping snores by turning girl next-door into a whore and helping unborn child to live no more.
The sights we see ’bout such obscene and living life in filth’s unclean should wake yea up to what ’tis up in nightmare stares of such despair for all of those without a care.
It’s devil’s evil in staged upheavals that shan’t allow one’s escape to primeval, as day will come for judgement’s succumbed where deaf and dumb shan’t hide no one from choices made for such charades.
As life is short and such cohorts shall surely meet the end’s escort, at end of days with much dismay they’ll come to know to where one shall go when holding hands with those who planned the relentless scams for killing man…
And at that end all filled with sin the devil will laugh with face filled grin, ‘cus one more soul that he’s controlled shall have paid the toll in full, for taking soul to life below where suffered fait won’t pass through gate nor offer them a clean escape!
As actions taken shall have forsaken a chance ‘n partaken at everlasting life, all filled with scents and smells of spice ‘n living life in paradise, as that had passed before their eyes ‘cus they had shunned the one and son of Kingdom come that gave such life to everyone!
Writing with the Veiled…