Blue and Red…

What guides yea pride in partisan’s stride and ties thy anchor to foolish sigh, and from divide’s in two between the choice of Red or Blue, what sneaks around yea brain’s confounds and just keeps hiding clues from you?

In punctuation’s for diacritical political what mark enunciates yea soul’s true weight, and in such sway of tipping scale what values known from weight on scale?

Shall truth be known from overthrown lost virtues from thy churches? And can candidate’s who promote more fakes and sell more hate intensify the reasons why one’s mind just can’t escape?

Between the choice of Red or Blue, will soul be told of loving gold or carry weight around thy neck like anchored lead from words you said?

In weighing truth’s abuse refused are there more clues that hide in you, and if one knows to where one goes then why the choice to arrive as foe?

Is lean so clean that things aren’t seen ’bout dirt on face from such disgrace, are we so blind that filthy crimes are so well timed, that accepted becomes respected?

Did God above show his love in rainbow’s gifted covenant? Shall recompense apply good sense to virtues clean, or will embarking darkened turn ears to hearkened embracing appalls obscene?

Between the choice of Red or Blue, will soul be told of loving gold or carry weight around thy neck like anchored lead from words you said?

Ask thyself in what of else can rid the world of evil’s spells or pave a path straight down to hell when choice is made from mind’s compels.

Can choice of gift of life in womb be doomed to judgement inside courtrooms, where child’s voice for making choice ’tis just muted as refuted?

Can words from choice that have no voice in soulful life disputed, receive reprieve to be set free from sentenced death commuted?

Between the choice of Red or Blue, will soul be told of loving gold or carry weight around thy neck like anchored lead from words you said?

In knowing good from evil’s choice what words ring true from inner voice, and in the stance of circumstance who is who in loss of chance?

Thus, does Red or Blue ring true in you and walk beside yea stride for life or example core of such deplore in snuffing out new life as chore?

In walk of life will journey’s stride help to hide yea’s pride inside that ran the race in hurried pace yet failed to keep the dirt off face?

Between the choice of Red or Blue, will soul be told of loving gold or carry weight around thy neck like anchored lead from words you said?

Shall such disgrace in pace of race fail to recognize first place, which caused defaced to switch thy place with self deceived in being freed of pregnancy?

On face of glean what shall be seen from thee unclean that measured rights from wrongs, will truth be told in growing old that’s sang in lyrics sung?

In doing things not right in spite of inconvenience timing, you’ll find in time that mind refines remembered crimes in loss to lyric’s rhyming!

Between the choice of Red or Blue, will soul be told of loving gold or carry weight around thy neck like anchored lead from words you said?

In toots from flutes can words refute who sang the song in doing wrong and laying claims to lies denies in closing eyes to child’s right, to living life?

Will words in song that came from wrongs offer up a redefine for mindless crime of childless times that denied an earthly birthing?

So think again, ’bout just pretends in making choice to put to end a life in womb from God’s cocoon that swaddles chance to do the dance and taking breath’s begets.

Between the choice of Red or Blue, will soul be told of loving gold or carry weight around thy neck like anchored lead from words you said?

As plans for parents should be apparent not tricked in baited switch as trick, ‘cus shazam unplanned ’tis being scammed in switch of words called parenthood, yet misdeeds deceives obscuring pleads to recognize untrue falsehood!

It’s not a plan for parenting when denying life to be, so realize that in disguise there hides the ones who tell the lies ’bout truth-less ruthless eye’s despised.

Peer deep and try to sneak a peek for consequence in mind’s retreats, and loss of chance for life at glance when mind got lost in trance, denying child to take first step’s partakes in chance to dance!

Between the choice of Red or Blue, will soul be told of loving gold or carry weight around thy neck like anchored lead from words you said?

A Mother is like no other, as no man could understand, as the gift bestowed to woman’s womb in God’s cocoon ’tis more than man can know.

As thy child becomes developed in the months of nine in time, a connection becomes enveloped ’tis a gift from God’s divine!

New life shall twist and kick and squirm as anticipation comes to term, and Mother like no other, gives delivery of life in turn.

Between the choice of Red or Blue, will soul be told of loving gold or carry weight around thy neck like anchored lead from words you said?

To recant a chance for life to prance to the music at the dance, by snuffing fuse to light’s infused extracting flavored savors, ’tis mortal crime against God’s design which he shall show no favor!

As Mother’s love mirrors God’s above in bearing child’s partake, so for heaven’s sake your soul’s at stake in thy perjured of the nurtured.

Thus, come to know that Women’s glow shines bright in Kingdom’s come, ‘cus God made choice to give the voice of birth on earth to those of worth, deserving of preserving, a new life from gift in birthing!

Between the choice of Red or Blue, shall soul be told of loving you or something less with much regret, in failing example’s sampled best?

Michael Chaffee


Writing with the Veiled…